Our #1 priority is our soldiers, veterans, and family members wellbeing.
The Soldiers’ Arts Academy offers one-to-one mental health resources for our members.
More helpful resources for our members and their families:
The Samaritans Confidential and non-judgmental emotional support, 24 hours a day, for people feeling distress or despair, including those feelings which could lead to suicide. |
Free helpline number: 116 123 (Calls to this line do not appear on phone bills) Samaritans Kingston branch: 02083996676 Samaritans Sutton and Croydon Branch: 02086816666 Samaritans Inner South West London: 02087899121 |
Mental Health Support Line Offers emotional support and advice to people with mental health needs. Support is available 24 hours – leave a message and someone will call you back. |
Call: 0800 028 8000 |
HOPELine Confidential support and advice for individuals under 35 years of age who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. Open 10am-10pm Mon-Fri, and 2pm-10pm weekends and bank holidays. |
Call: 0800 068 41 41 Text: 07786209697 Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org |
National Domestic Abuse Helpline: Offers advice and support 24 hours a day, every day to those experiencing domestic abuse. |
Call: 0808 2000 247 or visit: https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/ |
Shout The UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. |
Text Shout to: 85258 |
Switchboard LGBTQ Confidential service offering support and information for people who identify as LGBTQ+, or are experiencing issues around their sexuality and/or gender. |
Call: 0300 330 0630 (10am – 11pm) Email: chris@switchboard.lgbt |
SaneLine Provides out of hours emotional and mental health support. Local rates apply. Support is available 6pm to 11pm 7 days a week. |
Call: 0300 304 7000 |
Mind infoline Provides information on types of mental health issues, where to get help and also on medication and advocacy. |
Call: 0300 123 3393 |
No Panic Provides information for people who suffer anxiety disorders. Support is available 10am – 10pm 7 days a week. |
Call: 0844 967 4848 |
Bipolar UK A charity dedicated to supporting people with a diagnosis of Bi-Polar. |
Call: 0333 323 3880 |
Crime Victims (Victim Support UK) A free service that helps people find local support after a crime has been committed. |
www.victimsupport.org.uk Call: 0808 168 9293 |
Together for mental wellbeing A charity that works alongside people with mental health issues. It provides a range of support services including peer support, accommodation-based support, criminal justice mental health services and advocacy. |
Call: 0207 780 7300 |
Emergence Service user led support for people with personality disorders. |
Hearing voices network - Supports people who hear voices, see visions and experience tactical sensations. |
Call: 0114 271 8210 |
Harmless Service user led organization that provides a range of services about self-harm. |
Stay Alive App This app is a suicide prevention pocket app for the people in the UK. It allows users to create a list of strategies and resources to help them stay safe. |
Help for Heroes If you are a wounded veteran or loved one and would like information or advice |
Email: getsupport@helpforheroes.org.uk Call: 01980 844388. |
Togetherall Commissioned by over 250 organisations globally, we’re an online service providing access to millions with anxiety, depression and other common mental health issues.
For serving personnel, former members of the Armed Forces and their families Veterans UK To seek information on claiming AFCS, Armed Forces Independence Payment, Medical Discharges and Pension Forecast. |
telephone helpline: 0800 7314880 (Monday – Friday 10.30 – 19.30) or email jo@samaritans.org |
to access medical help fast but when it’s not a 999 emergency, telephone 111 (available 24 hours). |