Our Mission
The Soldiers’ Arts Academy is a charitable organisation which gives serving and former military personnel a route into the arts. It may be part of a recovery process; it may provide training for a step into a new industry; or it may simply be there to help support the transition into civilian life. Working closely with actors, directors, producers, dancers, writers, poets and artists the SAA creates opportunities for participants to fulfil their artistic potential.
The Soldiers’ Arts Academy aims to provide a platform through which serving and veteran military personnel and their families can participate in the creative arts. Using their skills and experiences to create and engage audiences worldwide, the SAA strives to encourage excellence, engagement and inspiration in its members, as well as building a supportive and strong community.
International Hubs
To set up international arts hubs for serving and ex service personnel and their families which provide a platform to enable access to the arts as a form of recovery, training and work opportunities.
Production Opportunities
To provide opportunities within our community and within the productions and exhibitions we deliver for the public to engage and work with serving and ex members of the military community and their family members.
International Collaboration
To share our work internationally and to collaborate with other international veteran arts associations.
Community Support
To support members through their recovery and training through our wellbeing officer and our mentor scheme to maximise personal development and working opportunities.